Court of Honor Script

Pre-Opening 10-24-2020 Key

Chris Alley Ask the flag bearers to the back of the room, and Scout MC/s to the stage. Check their uniform!


Chris Alley “May I have everyone’s attention? My name is Chris Alley and I am the Scout Master for Troop 270. Please be seated so we can start the court of honor.”

Presentation of the Colors

Elijah Sanders ”Good evening and welcome to the court of honor …

My name is Elijah Sanders and I am a member of the Black Knights patrol and your Master of Ceremony for this Court of Honor.”

“Color Guard, Attention!”

“Audience, Please Rise!”

“Scout Salute! Those not in uniform, please place your right hand over your heart.”

“Color Guard, Forward March!”

(Just before color guard reaches the front most pew)

“Color Guard, Halt!”

“Color Guard, Cross the Colors!” (US Flag crosses in front of others to left flag stand then Troop flag then moves to the right flag stand)

“Color Guard, post the Flag of Troop 270” (Troop flag is placed into the stand)

“Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance!” (pause for just a moment)

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“TWO!” (Wait for everyone to drop their salute / hand over their heart)

“Scout Sign!”

“Please join me in the Scout Oath” (pause for a moment and then start)

“On my honor I will do my best

to do my duty to God and my country

and to obey the Scout Law

to help other people at all times

to keep myself physically strong,

mentally awake and morally straight”

“Please join me in the Scout Law”

“A scout is Trustworthy












“TWO!” (Wait for everyone to drop their salute)

“Color Guard, post the Flag of the United States of America!” (Wait for the American Flag to be placed into the stand)

“Color Guard, Honor your Colors!” (Wait for flag bearers to salute the US flag)

“Color Guard, return to ranks!” (Wait for flag bearers return to their seats then you can sign down in the chairs on the stage)


Chris McCormick “My name is Chris McCormick and I am an Assistant Scout Master for 270. Would Billy Gates, our troop chaplain’s aide, please come to the stage to lead us in the invocation.”

Billy Gates (says prayer)

Chris McCormick “You may be seated”

“I’d like to ask our Scoutmaster, Chris Alley, to come to the stage.” (then both the adult leader and Chaplains aid return to their seat)

Welcome to Family and Friends

Chris Alley: (Welcomes scouts and parents) – talk for about 5-10 minutes …

Introduce Senior Patrol Leader, Elijah Sanders, Black

Knights Patrol, to do the SPL Duties

Patrol Awards

Elijah Sanders I am pleased to announce the Merit Badges, Service Stars and Rank Advancements earned by my fellow scouts over the last 3 months”

“Over the past few months, Troop 270 has earned:

52+ merit badges

Several rank advancements … including

Star and Life

Troop 270 has awarded 113 Eagle Scouts

since our troop was founded in 1994”

(start clapping so the audience will know to clap)

“I will now move on to announcing our patrol awards … I’d like to ask that you HOLD YOUR APPLAUSE until we have presented each patrol with their awards and then we can applaud for all their accomplishments”

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See Attached Awards Sheets

”Will the Black Knights patrol and a Patrol Advisor please line up down the aisle? (wait for them to all take their place on the stage or down the aisle).

Each patrol will file into the designated area and pick up his packet when called from the table and continue down the north side of the sanctuary

“I’m pleased to announce that … (read the first name listed on their patrol awards sheet and the awards, etc. they’ve earned. Continue until last scout gets to his spot. Once the last scout has reached his position then say …

“Congratulations “Black Knights Patrol” (start clapping so the audience will know to clap)

Will the “Patrol One Patrol”

and a Patrol Advisor please come to the stage? (wait for them to all take their place on the stage). Each patrol will file into the designated area and pick up his packet from the table and continue to a yellow flag and remain until released.

“I’m pleased to announce that … (read the first name listed on their patrol awards sheet and the awards, etc. they’ve earned. Continue until last scout gets to his spot. Once the last scout has reached his position then say …

“Congratulations “Patrol One Patrol” (start clapping so the audience will know to clap)

”Will the “Tree Frog Patrol” and a Patrol Advisor please come to the stage? (wait for them to all take their place on the stage).

“I’m pleased to announce that … (read the first name listed on their patrol awards sheet and the awards, etc. they’ve earned. Continue until last scout gets to his spot. Once the last scout has reached his position then say …

“Congratulation “Tree Frog Patrol” (start clapping so the audience will know to clap)


New Troop Leadership

Elijah Sanders “I’d like to ask the following scouts to come up to the stage:

List of newly elected Scouts

“Based on the elections as conducted by the scouts last week, our new troop leadership is as follows:

Junior Assistant Scout Master

SPL Elijah Sanders

ASPL Jack Zuckerman

Scribe Sutton Alley

Quartermaster Ryan Ogburn

Librarian Joshua Hysong

Historian Ivan Myers

Den Chiefs Ben Sanders – Pack 367

Will Brezina – Pack 271

Webmaster O’Neal Starrett

Chaplains Aide Billy gates

(Their Patches are already in their packet)

(start clapping so the audience will know to clap)

“Scouts you may take your seat”

(while they are going to their seat say) “These scouts will serve until the next Court of Honor in April of next year.


Scout Master comes forward with parents and calls the Eagle to the stage.

(At a distance the troop gathers to watch the Eagle presentation.)

The Eagle is awarded (by parent or SM) and the SM says a few words.

“The EAGLE may speak”


Everyone returns to seating.


Ivan Myers (Film presentation of past years events)


Elijah Sanders Would the troop Chaplain Aide please come back to the stage

and for our flag bearers to take their positions”

(while the chaplain aide is coming to the stage) “Please rise and remain standing for the prayer and while we retire the colors”

(once the chaplain aide has finished the prayer ...)

“Color Guard, Attention!”

“Color Guard, Forward March!”

(Just before color guard reaches the front most pew)

“Color Guard, Halt!”

“Scout Salute! Please put your right hand over your heart if you are not in uniform”

“Color Guard, Retrieve the Colors!” (wait for the flag bearers to pick up their flags)

“Color Guard, Return to Ranks!” (Wait for flag bearers to return to formation and stop at the front pew. US Flag is on the far right facing the audience (flags don’t cross).

“Color Guard, Forward March!” (Wait until color guard reaches back of room)

“Color Guard, Halt!”

“TWO!” (Everyone drops salute)

“Color Guard, Dismissed!” (Flag bearers should immediately put the flags away)

”We would like to thank all of you for coming to Troop 270’s court of honor. Ask Scout Master if he has any final words.